Mission and Philosophy

Mission Statement

The mission of Advantages of Southeast AR, Inc. is to provide a community based service system of individualized
instruction and support geared toward maximizing independence, self-support, employment opportunities, and
normal living for persons with developmental disabilities in our 14 county service area.


Philosophy Statement
A basic concept of Advantages is that all people, regardless of individual differences and intellectual abilities, have an inalienable right to an educational, habilitative and vocational program which is consistent with their needs and helps them to achieve their maximum potential.  Advantages, therefore, seeks to provide the best possible educational, habilitative and vocational opportunity for the individual experiencing a developmental disability/delay in Arkansas so that it may fulfill its major responsibility, the fullest development of these human resources.
Underlying these concepts are the beliefs that:  all human beings have intrinsic worth regardless of intellectual ability; that all human beings have some potential for development; and that, with few exceptions, every human being has both the ability and the duty to contribute something of value to his fellow person.
It is, therefore, the mission of Advantages is to provide a community based service system of individualized instruction and support geared toward independence, self-support, and normal living for persons residing in Drew County and southeastern Arkansas regardless of race, religion, gender, age, culture, sex or sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and marital status, ethnic or national membership.
The mission statement will be posted at all service locations and will be reviewed at hire and annually thereafter.  The Board will review the mission statement annually and make changes, as needed.