Our Services

The mission of Advantages, is to provide a system of individualized instruction and support geared toward
independence, self-support and normal living for persons residing in Drew County and Southeast Arkansas.


To accomplish the mission of the agency, the following services are provided:

  • Home and Community Based Waiver Case Management:will be provided for all consumers requesting this service, to include both children and adults.  This service will assist Waiver eligible recipient’s has access to needed medical, social, educational, and or, other needed services.  Waiver Case Management will include assessment, service planning, service coordination, service monitoring, and service plan updating.  Case Management will be available to consumers 365 days a year as needed.  Waiver Case Management will be provided by a licensed and trained Case Manager certified by Developmental Disabilities Services of Arkansas.  The overall responsibility for this service is the Executive Director of Advantages. Administration of this component is located at Monticello, Arkansas.


  • Non-Medical Transportation: DDTCS:  Transportation is available to each person enrolled in a DDTCS component of the Agency.  The service consists of transportation from the residence of the consumer to the DDTCS center and return to the consumer residence during operational days of the DDTCS center.  Transportation is provided solely for the purpose of Day Habilitation and is of no cost to the consumer or their family.  The service occurs during the daily hours of Habilitation at the DDTCS centers two times a day per consumer.  The area of service is Drew County and Ashley County.

Transportation included in consumers served under the Waiver is provided by direct-care staff.  Staff must document mileage  appropriately in order to receive reimbursement.  Transportation is used to integrate the waiver consumer
into their community, but is not reimbursed for medical visits.


  • Preschool (0-5) Center-based Day Treatment Services: DDTCS Center-based:   The Preschool Program provides Developmental Day Treatment Services (DDTCS) to children who are Developmentally Disabled or delayed and, in order to provide an integrated environment, will offer a small percentage of slots to non-disabled/delayed children.  Ages of the children to be served will be birth to five years.  Service will be located at Discovery Children’s Centers, 203 B South Jefferson, Star City , Arkansas, 178 W. College, Monticello, Arkansas and 211 School Lop, Crossett, Arkansas.  Those children eligible for DDS Habilitation services will have been determined to have a developmental disability of Mental Retardation, Epilepsy, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Non-Categorical Developmental Delay or a combination of the above with the exception that DCDDC does not accept medically fragile children.  Habilitation for developmentally delayed children will be between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for holidays, Christmas Break and Spring Break as prescribed in each child’s Plan of Care.  The areas of Habilitation will be Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Language, Social/Emotional, and Self Care skills.  Each child receiving Habilitation will be assessed with a criterion referenced developmental assessment and other pertinent information.  A team consisting of parents, guardians, teachers, psychologists, therapists, and any others requested will determine the needs of each developmentally disabled child.  Due Process will be strictly followed and each child will be eligible for Speech, Occupational, and/or Physical Therapy as determined in the Plan of Care.  Preschool Habilitation Services for developmentally disabled/delayed children will be of no cost to the parent or guardian.  Breakfast and a noon meal will be provided as well as an afternoon snack.  Persons responsible for the Preschool and Day Care will be the Executive Director and the Preschool Administrator of Drew County Developmental Disabilities.  The Preschool Administrator will be a certified teacher with/or working on a degree in Early Childhood/Special Education.  Ratio requirements as set forth by DDS and Childcare licensing requirements will be strictly followed.


  • Alternative Community Waiver Services: Alternative Community Services are offered by Advantages for developmentally disabled children and adults who have been determined to be eligible through the Arkansas Medicaid Waiver Plan.  The component provides services and supports to maintain these individuals in the home and community of their choice.  Places of operation are community based in individual homes, local businesses, and any and all generic services available in the community.  The Agency provides Medicaid Waiver services in the following counties:  Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Chicot, Cleveland, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Grant, Jefferson, Lincoln, Prairie, and Union.  Central operation for this component is Advantages, Monticello, Arkansas.  The calendar of operations is 365 days a year with 24 hour service per day available.  The time, place, and type of service is dependent on the Individual Service Plan of each individual.  The Individual Service Plan is developed and monitored by a team consisting of the individual, his parent or guardian as appropriate, an Independent Case Manager, the Agency Waiver Coordinator and other requested parties.  Services include Residential Habilitation, Adaptive Equipment, and Consultation.  The persons responsible for this component are the Executive Director and Agency Waiver Specialist(s) assigned to the waiver case.


  • Adult Center-based Day Treatment Services: The Adult Development component of Advantages is located in Monticello, Arkansas.  This component serves 18 to 21 year old individuals that have graduated from High School and adults 21 years and above.  Each individual must have been determined to have a developmental disability.  Adults attending the Adult Development program must be able to manage their toileting skills including bowel and bladder control with direction.  Adults must be able to feed themselves with direction and cannot be tube fed or medically fragile.  Time of operation is 7:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. and is five days a week except for holidays, Christmas Break and Spring Break.  The component offers Habilitation in the areas of Personal Management, Social Development, Household Management, Community and Home Activities, and Job Readiness.  Each individual is assessed with a criterion referenced developmental assessment and has an Individual Habilitation Plan according to his or her needs.  The needs of each individual are determined by a team that may consist of the individual, the individual’s family or guardian, adult development staff, and any other persons having pertinent information invited by the consumer of the Agency.  The services are of no cost to the consumer and a hot meal is provided daily.  Transportation is available if requested and stated in the Plan of Care.  Persons responsible for the Adult Development Component are the Executive Director and Program Coordinator of the Adult Development component.   Required ratios are 1:10.


  • Therapy Services (Speech, OT/PT): The Therapy component consists of individual and group Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapies.  Therapies are offered to those clients enrolled in the Adult Center and Preschool, (DDTCS), components.  These services are offered according to the needs determined by a licensed therapist and  a physician.  All therapies are offered between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., according to the approved schedule in the individual plan, and may occur at the Adult Center, Sesame School or at the home of the child if he or she is receiving Early Intervention services.  The amount, time, and type of each therapy will be dependent on the recommendation of a team that may consist of therapists, the preschool/adult development teacher, the parent or guardian, and the physician of the child.  Each therapy will occur at least one time a week for those clients assessed as needing the service.  Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapists will be licensed by their respective licensing agencies.  Persons responsible for the Therapy Services are the Executive Director, Licensed Therapists and the Certified Teacher/Adult Program Coordinator of the various components.


  • Supported Living:  One service provided under Medicaid Wavier programs.  It allows a consumer to live independently within their community with  a companion or supported living staff.


  • Family Support:  Family/Individual Support is a cash subsidy program to provide support to individuals with a developmental disability who require support in more than one major life activity in order to participate in an integrated community setting and to enjoy a quality of life that is available to persons without a developmental disability.  Support may be provided for life activities such as mobility, communication, self-care, recreation, and learning as necessary for independent living, employment, and self-sufficiency.  Funding of up to $5,000 annually per family/individual for services and/or goods may be provided to each eligible family/individual dependent upon availability of Agency funds for this service.  The Agency may set funding limitations as deemed necessary.  Funding will be supplemental to all other services and specific programs such as education or related services for school age children, State, Title XX, and Medicaid services including dependent/Targeted Case Management, personal care, or waiver services.  All goods or services provided will be reflected in an Individual Family Service Plan/Individual Service Plan that is developed by a certified case manager/DDS Service Coordinator.  Family Support is for persons age 18 or younger.  Individual Support is for persons over 18.  All purchases of adaptive equipment will be handled under Adaptive Equipment.  Family Support Services are based on what the family decides they need and is family centered.  Supports and services are directed and implemented based on family/individual needs and can be changed as family/individual needs change.  All plans must have prior approval by the Executive Director.  The central location for this service is Advnatages, Monticello, Arkansas.  Person responsible for this service is the Executive Director.